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Mr Alvaro Del Moral Jimenez

Profile summary

Professional biography

Biology graduate with a masters in Biophysics.

Studying the limits of habitability for microbial life under "icy moon" conditions.

Research interests

Interested in environmental microbial ecology, astrobiology and programming.

Teaching interests

Introduction to R workshops.


Cryptogamic cover determines soil attributes and functioning in polar terrestrial ecosystems (2021-03-25)
Durán, Jorge; Rodríguez, Alexandra; Heiðmarsson, Starri; Lehmann, Jan R.K.; Del Moral, Álvaro; Garrido-Benavent, Isaac and De los Ríos, Asunción
Science of The Total Environment, 762, Article 143169

Are recently deglaciated areas at both poles colonised by the same bacteria? (2021-02)
del Moral, Álvaro; Garrido-Benavent, Isaac; Durán, Jorge; Lehmann, Jan R.; Rodríguez, Alexandra; Heiðmarsson, Starri and de los Ríos, Asunción
FEMS Microbiology Letters, 368, Article fnab011(3)

Microbial-Based Proxies for Europa's Habitability and Biosignature Detection (2024-05-02)
Del Moral, Alvaro
PhD thesis The Open University